Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sri Lanka College of Journalism celebrates Vesak

Vesak is considered as the holiest day in Buddhism. Buddhists in Sri Lanka are currently celebrating Vesak festival. Vesak Day was celebrated by the Sri Lanka College on May 26th 2010 at its auditorium. The college was beautifully decorated with lanterns, colour lights, fresh Lotus flowers, coconut palm leaves and oil lamps. It was celebrated with high enthusiasm.

Devout Buddhists undertake to lead a noble life according to the teaching by making daily affirmations to observe the five precepts. The Five Precepts are commitments to abstain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication.

Pavala Malligai flowers on nealtky woven coconut palm leave at the entrance

It is a joyful occasion

Vesak is a major festival of the year

View from the street

Betel leaves and arecanut served for the Buddhist monk

Sermon is delivered on Buddha's teachings and mankind in Sinhala and Tamil

Fresh Lotus flowers are offered

Buddhist statue is decorated with fresh flowers,oil lmap and incence

Lotus flowers and oil lamps add extra colour to the festival

Venerable Brahmanawatte Seewalee Thero is seen delivering the sermon

Tradition ascribes to the Buddha himself instruction on how to pay him homage

While sermon is being delivered

Things for the Buddhist monk are being worshipped


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