Staying safe in the age of COVID
"From caring comes courage" ~~ Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese Philosopher and Writer.
By Dushiyanthini KanagasabapathipillaiI
I am an essential worker with long work hours. The challenges are enormous and endless, but I always embrace them with a smile whether they are during COVID 19 or otherwise.
One year ago in March 2020, the World Health Organization has declared Corona Virus as a world pandemic. The term Corona Virus or COVID19 was new to all of us. The pandemic has shaken the world with number of deaths, ecomonic impact and so on. As part of my job I have to be in close contact with the people who I work with. Face masks, gloves and hand sanitizers were not available and were in high demand. The priority was for the front line workers. Most of us have begun to look for alternatives - such as making our own cloth face mask at home and find home based natural remedies to protect ourselves and our loved ones. We all became innovative in our own ways.I am forever grateful to my beloved mother who passionately taught me how to sew ever since I was at primary school. Being an essential worker, I had to go to work - I had no choice to Work from Home like most of my immediate family members and friends from around the world have been doing for more than a year.
Creativity begins at home
In 2020, I opened the closet, started to look for new cotton fabric and began to stitch adjustable, breathable, washable, reversible and reusable cloth face masks in various sizes, shapes and designs, amidst my tight and extended work schedule, which was quite demanding. And made numerous stylish face mask pouches as well. These cotton face masks are eco-friendly and stylish - you can mix and match, wash and wear. As it is highly recommended by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention to change the face mask frequently, especially those who are working long hours like ourselves. "Sharing is caring", as they say - shared among the co-workers and people in need in the community for free, for which many of them are so appreciative and grateful so far.
Constant reminder
We have been reminded about the importance of frequent hand washing, coughing and sneezing etiquette, heathy eating habits and focusing on mental health repeatedly. Space at home, work and in the community has taken a new turn. Social gatherings have become virtual. We all have become more tech-savvy. Creativity has taken a new height. As Bruce Garrabrandt's quote perfectly fits during the time of a pandemic - "Creativity doesn't wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moment out of ordinary ones".
I also have volunteered to be part of the COVID 19 Protocol Team in marking social distancing in the building, refilling the sanitizer bottles, restacking rags, cleaning the high touch points such as turnstiles, lockers, time clocks and so on at work. I also train the teammates how to be safe at work and I do a weekly safety walkthrough to make sure we are compliant and keeping everybody safe at work. It gives me tremendous satisfaction in keeping everybody safe.
This pandemic has brought families closer, unknown neighbors have become known, friends have become best friends and co-workers have become friends. We have learnt many lessons during this tough times. Slowly but steadily we all have embraced the "new normal".
Since I have been to the war zones in Sri Lanka and covered the aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami as a journalist cum photojournalist, hurricanes, hail, snow storms and COVID 19 gave me new experience you explore.
It takes all of us working together to flatten the curve and ensure a safe living environment for everyone.
"We are together in this; We shall overcome!." "This too shall pass."
posted by DushiYanthini at 9:37 AM